Fast-RAC Roof Platform System

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For a fast and easy way to mount HVAC split system or refrigeration condensers, the Fast-RAC™ Roof Platform System is your answer. Taking only 15 minutes to install, the Fast-RAC™ saves you time and money when compared to the labor and expense of purchasing and installing a roof curb and curb support system.

The Fast-RAC™ system will not void your roof warranty because it is held in place using two utility clamps on each rib, therefore no fasteners will penetrate your roof panel.


  • 15-minute install

  • No Roof Curb

  • No fasteners in roof

  • No water blocked

  • Durable aluminum construction

System Available for all major roof types:

  • Trapezoidal Standing Seam Panels

  • Architectural Vertical Rib Panels

  • R-Panels

We are proud to have thousands of our Fast-RACs™ in place across the country predominantly on low-rise commercial buildings with customers ranging from national accounts to tenants who care about the performance of their metal roof.